Google Releases the Trusted Contacts App on Android
Google has released a new app called Trusted Contacts which is its personal safety app for Android. The app is more meant to be used in emergency situations.
So in Windows 8.1 I loved the ability to save files to the cloud within the OneDrive folder and this is great for a table notebook like I have. Then I upgraded to Windows 10 and everything went mad. Basically…
I was at Mesh last week and I got a chance to see a MakerBot, one of those 3D printers that’s making the rounds slowly but steadily becoming mainstream. Here are a few pictures of one up close. Seeing it…
Great job guys, I was proud to be part of the team that day no matter what else happens. Untitled from Offerpop on Vimeo.
What a great story by the Reddit dudes by ATotalDisruption on YouTube. Now go watch it!