Captain America & Thor Artwork – The Start of #ComicCon is Here

The start of Comic Con is upon us and everyone can let the geek in them go free. Your favourite anime, manga, superhero and sci-fi heroes go from the screen or the page to real life through the impressive skills of the cosplayers. They work their magic and everyone else takes pictures.

So in honour of Comic Con here are the first artwork done for the Captain America and Thor Movies. THe level of geekery is increasing with each passing minute and I can’t wait for the news to come out of Comic Con. What was once a place for comics has become a place all sorts of entertainment content. I hope we get another trailer of Tron Legacy, that movie is only 6 months from release and the next one is already in the works.

So stand up, be proud of your passion whether that an Anime, videogame, novel, comic character or whatever for the next we can all have fun and reveal in the what it means to be passionate about the things that bring us to a new world so we can better appreciate our own.

Welcome back Comic Con….time to start your engines.

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